Make A Loan Payment

Need to make a loan payment? No problem. You can make a one-time payment quickly and easily through the online portal, or scroll down for other ways to pay.

Make a Loan Payment

Need to make a loan payment? No problem. You can make a one-time payment quickly and easily through the online portal, or scroll down for other ways to pay.


Making a loan payment is quick and easy.

Transfer Funds

Transfer funds from another Columbia CU account or from an account at another financial institution by calling, using Digital Assistant, logging in to Online Banking, or coming into a branch.

One-Time Payment

Need to make a loan payment? No problem. You can make a one-time payment quickly and easily through the online portal. Or, use our automated Pay-by-Phone system (1-877-255-1200) for a free loan payment option.

Mail Your Payment

Mail your payments to Columbia Credit Union
P.O. Box 324, Vancouver, WA, 98666.
Note: Loan coupons can only be ordered for auto loans.

Sign up for automatic payments.

Make life a little easier by signing up for automatic payments. Come into a branch or call to get started.