Make A Loan Payment


Make A Loan Payment

NEW! You can easily make a loan payment and set up recurring transfers from both internal and external accounts by logging into Digital Banking. This gives you complete control over when and how you make payments, along with the flexibility to adjust them as needed. Navigate to Move Money once logged in to get started.

Use the chat feature below if you need help getting signed up.


Make A Loan Payment

NEW! You can easily make a loan payment and set up recurring transfers from both internal and external accounts by logging into Digital Banking. This gives you complete control over when and how you make payments, along with the flexibility to adjust them as needed. Navigate to Move Money once logged in to get started.

Use the chat feature below if you need help getting signed up.


Get a 0.25% APR* discount on your loan.

Take advantage of our Checking Relationship Program by setting up automatic payments from a Columbia CU checking account. Auto pay allows you to never miss a payment and save on your loan.

Chat with us to take advantage of this discount.


Get a 0.25% APR* discount on your loan.

Take advantage of our Checking Relationship Program by setting up automatic payments from a Columbia CU checking account. Auto pay allows you to never miss a payment and save on your loan.

Chat with us to take advantage of this discount.


Making a loan payment is quick and easy.

Log In to Digital Banking

You can easily make a loan payment and set up recurring transfers from both internal and external accounts by logging into Digital Banking. This gives you complete control over when and how you make payments, along with the flexibility to adjust them as needed. Navigate to Move Money once logged in to get started.

One-Time Payment

Make a one-time loan payment through the payment portal from external accounts using your debit card or ACH/Routing number.

By Phone

Use our automated Pay-by-Phone system (1-877-255-1200) to pay from your external accounts.

Mail Your Payment

Mail your payments to Columbia Credit Union
P.O. Box 324, Vancouver, WA, 98666.
Note: Loan coupons can only be ordered for auto loans.


Making a loan payment is quick and easy.

Log In to Digital Banking

You can easily make a loan payment and set up recurring transfers from both internal and external accounts by logging into Digital Banking. This gives you complete control over when and how you make payments, along with the flexibility to adjust them as needed. Navigate to Move Money once logged in to get started.

One-Time Payment

Make a one-time loan payment through the payment portal from external accounts using your debit card or ACH/Routing number.

By Phone

Use our automated Pay-by-Phone system (1-877-255-1200) to pay from your external accounts.

Mail Your Payment

Mail your payments to Columbia Credit Union
P.O. Box 324, Vancouver, WA, 98666.
Note: Loan coupons can only be ordered for auto loans.

Making a credit card or mortgage payment?

Log In to Digital Banking

To make a payment on your credit card or mortgage, log in to Digital Banking. From there you can pay from your Columbia CU account or click into the credit card or mortgage portals to pay with an external account.

Making a credit card or mortgage payment?

Log In to Digital Banking

To make a payment on your credit card or mortgage, log in to Digital Banking. From there you can pay from your Columbia CU account or click into the credit card or mortgage portals to pay with an external account.

Sign up for automatic payments.

Make life a little easier by signing up for automatic payments. Come into a branch or call to get started.

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Lowest APRs include Checking Relationship Plan discount which provides a qualifying rate discount of 0.25% APR for automatic loan payments from Columbia CU checking. Auto Pay can be set up via automatic transfers from your Columbia CU checking to your loan with either the assistance of a Columbia CU representative or by setting up recurring transfers in Columbia CU’s Online Banking.